London Cycling Lockdown Bingo
Another lockdown, another opportunity to explore your local roads, hopefully without the huge traffic jams of normal times!
Each lockdown we've created a bunch of cycling challenges for our members to complete to help stave off the boredom and keep the wheels spinning. This lockdown we've created a bingo board of local cycling challenges for you to tick off in your daily workout sessions. The game is open to all, and we'd love you to play along!
Anyone who completes the whole board will be added to a prize draw to win some Attacus made Dirty Wknd club kit. Deadline to complete your board is Feb 15th 2021.
How to play Cycling Bingo:
- Screenshot or download the board above
- Complete each challenge in your daily ride sessions
- Mark the board with an X to cross off each challenge
- Ensure each challenge is also documented on Strava
- Post your completed board to social media (tag Dirty Wknd) to enter the draw to win some DW club kit.
- Add updates to social media along the way for 'extra points' 👍
Good luck to everyone taking part. Please have fun with your bingo game, but please also respect the lockdown rules, stay safe.
If you're looking for some company to complete these challenges then you can find a ride buddy on the members app. Join The Community today to meet other cyclists near you, find amazing London cycling routes and big discount codes.